About one-third of Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush Administration. source: Scientific American. Now, unlike the moon landings or the flat…
If you are like me and ask yourself the Big Questions fairly frequently, you probably ask yourself perhaps the biggest question of them all: Is there a God?
Fake news is just that – articles and other content that are presented as true but are in reality either made up completely or do contain an element of truth but grossly exaggerate or misrepresent other elements and facts that can be found in the article. Or even half of an article can be true, and the other half completely made up. Here’s how not to be fooled.
The Manosphere is sort of an umbrella term which houses the beliefs of various subcultures which may have different conclusions about how to go about what they all perceive to be a problem: “Feminism has instituted an unnatural way of life”
As the beliefs we have influence the experiences we face, what we believe seems very important. What we think about the issues we face influences how we spend our time on this earth. While I don’t believe for a second in the absolutism of ‘you attract what you are’ because it is partly blaming the victims of abuse for their experiences, we should not deny the impact of our beliefs on our experiences.
One of the things that has a great potential to irritate is the denial of basic and proven scientific truths. A lot of confusion can…
In this post, we will look at “Atheism” and try to come up with a definition that enables people to identify themselves as atheists, while…
When racists or sexists make their posts and comments, they often argue that equality is a lie, humans are not equal and therefore we cannot have the same opportunities – in this argument, they are often either deliberately or not the confusing type of equality found in mathematics with the type of equality society should strive for.
The problem with the argument is that theists can easily get out of it. They can simply claim that omnipotence does not mean a being can do EVERYTHING. Omnipotence means that a being can do anything logically possible.
On this site, I often argue that we should think critically—not take whatever pundits, influences, preachers and Hollywood are selling and make it a part…