“If you can get drunk, get into an accident and then be responsible for the decision to drive, why can’t you be held responsible for agreeing to have sex while drunk? Why is it rape?” Well, let us just THINK about this argument
Even if you do not participate in any sort of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground.
One important thing to know about being an atheist is that there is very little common philosophy that all atheists can agree on. Not even all atheists can come under the same umbrella term
If you have some disposable income which you might consider donating to a YouTuber or a blogger, please stop and think about it for a bit. By donating it to an effective charity, that money could be used to make a far bigger positive impact in the world.
Stephen Hawking is the first scientist/author who has had a profound impact on my life. Yes, even before I was profoundly changed by watching Carl Sagan`s Cosmos on TV, the first popular science book The Brief History of Time, by…
About one-third of Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush Administration. source: Scientific American. Now, unlike the moon landings or the flat Earth that is a dangerous conspiracy theory. And if you believe it, you better have…
If you would go by some popular science magazines and conventional wisdom – when it comes to differences between men and women science is settled. We know exactly what the differences are, what are the strong points of being a man and what are the strong points of being a woman.
If you are like me and ask yourself the Big Questions fairly frequently, you probably ask yourself perhaps the biggest question of them all: Is there a God?
Author examines the definition of atheism, the history of atheism, speaks about various notable atheists from history and examines whether they really were atheists in the same sense of the word as we use the word today, or were they “merely” sceptics or something else entirely.
Fake news is just that – articles and other content that are presented as true but are in reality either made up completely or do contain an element of truth but grossly exaggerate or misrepresent other elements and facts that can be found in the article. Or even half of an article can be true, and the other half completely made up. Here’s how not to be fooled.