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Human Rights

8   Articles
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As far as we know we’re the only species capable of thinking about ourselves as existing through time, of planning the future, of thinking about what is to come. Yet, despite that, not only through history, but even today we are often in peculiar position of rushing head-first into something, then realizing that was not such a good idea

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“If you can get drunk, get into an accident and then be responsible for the decision to drive, why can’t you be held responsible for agreeing to have sex while drunk? Why is it rape?” Well, let us just THINK about this argument

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If you would go by some popular science magazines and conventional wisdom – when it comes to differences between men and women science is settled. We know exactly what the differences are, what are the strong points of being a man and what are the strong points of being a woman.

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When racists or sexists make their posts and comments, they often argue that equality is a lie, humans are not equal and therefore we cannot have the same opportunities – in this argument, they are often either deliberately or not the confusing type of equality found in mathematics with the type of equality society should strive for.